Posts in thoughts
Girls Soccer Network

How do you talk to your body? Do you love and praise your body? Do you honor all the incredible things it does for you, on and off the field? Do you listen to your body when it asks for sleep, food, water or rest? Can you hear your body when you are approaching injury? Do you honor what your body tells you? Or you get angry at your body? Ignore it? Punish it when it doesn’t do what you want? Do you only notice something’s wrong once you’re in the emergency room?

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It's Eating Disorders Awareness Week

It takes so much courage to admit to being in pain. It take so much persistence to decide that enough is enough. It takes tremendous faith and trust to reject the promises of an eating disorder and believe that a life worth living can be better achieved in recovery. Recovery is possible. It's rarely a straight line, and sometimes it's not immediate. But I've absolutely been honored to witness clients stake their claims on life and, with support, hoist themselves forward into a richer life.

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The Practice

I am thrilled to announce the opening of my private practice in Pasadena. In a cozy office near the Paseo Colorado, I will be offering psychotherapy services to adults, adolescents and couples. As I embark on this new moment in my career, I feel a tremendous sense of excitement, urgency and pride.

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